Web Design, SEO, Digital Marketing Blog

10 Website Design Practices that Boost UX

Written by Drew Medley | April, 29, 2024

Enhancing user experience (UX) on your website isn't just about looking good; it’s about creating a seamless, functional interaction that invites users to engage and convert. Your website serves as the front door to your business, making user experience (UX) paramount. A well-designed website can enhance customer satisfaction, increase engagement, and ultimately contribute to higher conversions and retention rates. 

Here are ten website design practices that are proven to boost UX and help your site stand out in a crowded online space:

1. Responsive Design

Surprisingly, mobile devices now surpass desktops in usage, making the need for responsive website design more important than ever. Responsive design is a web development practice that guarantees a website's layout, content, and overall performance are optimized for users on any device. This means that whether your audience is viewing your site on a tiny smartphone screen, a tablet, or a widescreen desktop monitor, the site will automatically adjust to fit the screen size and orientation, ensuring a seamless and user-friendly experience. 

  • Best Practices: Use flexible grid layouts that resize smoothly, employ media queries to style elements based on device capabilities, and test functionality across a range of devices to ensure consistent quality.

2. Faster Loading Speeds

Site speed helps ensure user satisfaction and optimize search engine rankings. Slow-loading pages are not only frustrating for users but can also significantly impact a website's bounce rate, as visitors are likely to leave the site if it doesn't load quickly. This, in turn, can lead to lost revenue opportunities. 

Moreover, search engines like Google consider site speed as a ranking factor, meaning that faster sites have a better chance of appearing higher in search results, attracting more traffic. Therefore, optimizing site speed is essential for providing a positive user experience and enhancing a website's SEO performance. 

  • Best Practices: Optimize image sizes without compromising quality, utilize modern image formats like WebP, minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, leverage browser caching, and use a content delivery network (CDN) to speed up load times globally.

3. Intuitive Navigation

Navigation is a fundamental component of exceptional user experience (UX). Users must be able to navigate a platform intuitively, finding exactly what they need without frustration or unnecessary effort. A well-designed navigation system guides users through a seamless journey, enhancing their overall experience and satisfaction with the platform.

  • Best Practices: Organize information hierarchically and logically, use descriptive labels for links, ensure that your navigation is accessible from any page, and consider sticky navigation menus that remain visible as users scroll.

4. Consistent Branding

Maintaining a consistent branding strategy across your website not only reinforces your unique identity but also significantly enhances user trust. By ensuring that your logo, color scheme, and messaging are uniform across all pages, you create a cohesive and memorable user experience that solidifies your brand's presence in the minds of your visitors. This consistency is key to building a strong relationship with your audience, encouraging loyalty, and fostering a sense of reliability and professionalism. 

  • Best Practices: Maintain a uniform color scheme, typography, and layout throughout the site. Use your brand logo consistently in size and location, typically in the upper left corner, where users expect to find it!

5. Accessible Contact Information

Having accessible contact information prominently displayed on your website or app reassures users that help is readily available, whether through a simple click or a quick phone call. This accessibility significantly boosts user confidence and trust in your brand, as they know that any issues or questions they might have can be promptly addressed by your support team.

  • Best Practices: Include a dedicated contact page with multiple communication options, such as phone, email, and a contact form. Also, provide a link to this page in your site's main navigation or footer to ensure it is easy to find.

6. Use of White Space

White space, often overlooked, enhances UX by reducing cognitive overload. It allows the content to breathe, making it significantly more digestible and easier for readers to process and understand.

  • Best Practices: Balance design elements and content to create a clean layout. Ensure that the use of white space is consistent with the overall design language to support content hierarchy and readability.

7. Compelling CTAs

Calls to action serve as bridges that connect user engagement directly to business objectives, such as generating leads or driving sales. They are strategic tools deployed in marketing materials to guide users towards taking a desired action, effectively transforming passive website visitors or social media viewers into active participants in a company's sales funnel.

  • Best Practices: Make CTAs visually distinctive with buttons that contrast with the page design. Use action-oriented text that incites emotion or enthusiasm, place CTAs at strategic points on your pages to guide users naturally through your conversion funnel.

8. High-Quality Visuals

Visuals are great at capturing attention, but their importance extends far beyond that. They are powerful tools for communicating complex information in a quick and effective manner, enabling viewers to grasp difficult concepts or data through simple, engaging imagery. This makes visuals an indispensable part of conveying messages in today's fast-paced world.

  • Best Practices: Invest in professional photography or high-quality stock photos. Integrate videos that add value, such as tutorials, reviews, or behind-the-scenes looks, and ensure all visuals are optimized for quick loading.

9. Feedback Opportunities

Allowing users the chance to provide feedback not only boosts their satisfaction by making them feel heard and valued, but also offers them insights that can guide further enhancements. This feedback loop is a powerful tool for continuous improvement, ensuring that services or products evolve in ways that are most beneficial to the user base. 

  • Best Practices: Include accessible forms, survey links, or contact emails where users can report issues or suggest improvements. Consider using live chat tools to gather real-time feedback and provide instant support.

10. Accessibility Standards

Making your website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, helps provide an inclusive digital environment. This practice goes beyond just being considerate; in many cases, it's also mandated by law. Ensuring accessibility means implementing design and content strategies that accommodate a wide range of needs, from visual and hearing impairments to cognitive and motor challenges. It's about making your online space welcoming and usable for everyone, reflecting both ethical responsibility and legal compliance.

  • Best Practices: Follow WCAG guidelines, use ARIA roles for dynamic content, ensure all images have alt text, provide transcripts for audio content, and make sure your website navigation is fully keyboard-accessible.


Incorporating these ten website design practices will not only enhance the user experience but also contribute to your site’s overall success. Good website design is an ongoing process that requires attention to detail and continuous improvement.

At The Diamond Group in Wilmington, NC, we specialize in optimizing web designs to meet both user needs and business goals. We understand the challenges and opportunities of digital marketing and are excited to help you enhance your online presence. Together, let’s ensure your website not only looks great but also performs exceptionally, creating engaging spaces where user interactions lead to real business growth.

Why not contact us today to begin elevating your website design? Let's work together to craft a site that highlights your brand’s unique strengths and sets the foundation for long-term success.