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Let's Talk
Case Study

Physician's Plan Success: Scaling

Our case studies will give you an in-depth look at how we’ve helped our clients improve the way they reach and communicate with their audiences.
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Increase in Instagram Interactions
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Social Media Growth on Average

Project Overview

Industry: Health and Wellness

In February 2023, Physician's Plan began "Phase II" of their business strategy, employing The Diamond Group to spearhead this transformation. The goal was to revitalize their digital presence, streamline marketing efforts, and ensure a consistent brand identity that could be easily replicated—essentially creating a "business-in-a-box" model.

The Momentum™ process initiated by The Diamond Group involved a comprehensive overhaul:

  • Branding Consistency: Unified the branding across all locations by standardizing logos, color schemes, and marketing materials to ensure a consistent and recognizable brand identity.
  • Digital Marketing: Launched cohesive digital marketing strategies including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and SEO enhancements to increase visibility and engagement across all service areas.
  • Social Media Integration: Centralized social media management to harmonize content delivery, resulting in a significant increase in engagement and follower growth. Platforms like Facebook saw a 60.9% increase in reach and a 255% increase in link clicks, while Instagram interactions doubled.
  • Streamlined Communication: All locations were equipped with the tools and processes necessary to work cohesively, ensuring service availability across the board by aiding each other in appointment scheduling and service offerings.
  • Comprehensive Marketing: Monthly press releases, targeted email marketing campaigns, event marketing, and organic social media engagement were all streamlined to promote a uniform message.
  • Local Engagement: Increased local community involvement through print advertising in local publications and participation in community events.

Value Added: Increased keyword rankings, organic traffic, website conversions, and satisfied customers


Social Media Management Was Critical to Driving More Traffic to Their Website. 

We created high caliber content that was engaging to their personas, and ran targeted social media ads to maximize the reach of our message.
Social Media Post
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Social Media Post
Social Media Post
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Print Advertisement

Simplifying the User Experience Was a Major Factor in Increasing Organic Traffic.

We updated the website to make it easy to navigate and provided users with information they needed. This included adding content that answered common questions from potential customers.
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Do You Want 209% Growth in Your Website Traffic? Let’s Talk.


Working with The Diamond Group has been a game-changing experience for Physician's Plan. They have helped us define our core values and mission and create structure within all our moving parts to ensure we stay aligned with that focus. By maintaining structure and focus we are better able to handle all of the extra items that come up and need attention without being derailed.

I appreciate The Diamond Group team. We have a two-person point team that we communicate with regularly and frequently. That team coordinates the other TDG departments—social media, writing, graphic design, website, analytics, etc. It is a very cohesive structure that is both efficient and effective.

Adding the Sales Process coaching by Theresa has also allowed our company to streamline our internal processes to work smarter and bring an even better experience to our patients. The entire relationship has allowed us to step back, evaluate, and move forward more productively.

~ Kim Uyak, Director of Operations

How We Leveraged Our Momentum System to Help Physician's Plan Grow

Our Momentum System is based on four key pillars: search engine optimization, content marketing, social media management, digital advertising and sales enablement.

Momentum System


Website Design Icon

Web Design

Use Social Media

Social Media

Use Social Media


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Digital Ads

TDG Icon Account Exec


The Challenge

Each Physician's Plan location had developed its unique way of doing things. From different social media managers across platforms to inconsistencies in branding and marketing materials, there was a clear need for a cohesive strategy that could encapsulate the core values and identity of the brand across all touchpoints.

The challenge was to help a successful MedSpa and Weight Loss Clinic improve even further. They wanted more people to visit their website and contact them.

The Outcome

The unified approach not only enhanced operational efficiencies but also dramatically improved customer engagement and business scalability. The feedback from the locations has been overwhelmingly positive, with managers appreciating the new streamlined processes that allow them to focus more on patient care rather than operational discrepancies.

The results speak for themselves:

  • Social Media Growth: Facebook's content interactions increased by 44.2%, and Instagram’s by 100%.
  • Increased Digital Footprint: Link clicks from Facebook surged by 255%, greatly enhancing online user engagement.
  • Broader Reach: The standardized branding and unified marketing efforts expanded their market presence, making Physician's Plan a dominant player in the wellness industry across multiple regions.



Physician's Plan's journey with The Diamond Group highlights the transformative power of strategic branding and digital marketing. By adopting a unified business model and cohesive digital strategies, they not only strengthened their brand presence but also enhanced the overall customer experience, paving the way for future expansions and continued success.

Why not see how The Diamond Group can help your business achieve similar results? Contact us today to start your journey toward streamlined success and unified business growth.


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